الأنشطة والأخبار - أجيال الحصان

Recycling Week

Ajyal Al-Hussan school has arranged a recycling event. For a week from Sunday 06 Marsh 2020 our teachers helped educating children about pollution and its causes and explaining the importance of reducing our use of resources, reusing old materials and recycling plastic and paper.

In order to achieve this goal we prepared in-class activities about reusing, we set recycling bins in school hallways and taught children how to use them.

At the end of the week we made a recycled custom fashion show, where students showed what they made with their parents out of recycling materials.

  نظمت مدارس أجيال الحصان أبتداءاً من الأحد 6 مارس 2020م ولمدة أسبوع نشاط إعادة التدوير حيث قام فريق أجيال الحصان بإعداد أنشطة حول إعادة التدوير وكيفيه أستخداماته .