A competition was made today to encourage students through the study of words to enhance their spelling and listening skills.
Students were asked to study a list of words that was given to them beforehand and were asked to spell them in a spelling competition.
Two students were chosen after an elimination process from each grade and one winner was chosen by the end of the competition from each grade.
تم عمل مسابقة بين الطلاب لتجشيعهم على تحسين مهاراتهم بالهجاء و الاستماع من خلال استذكار و حفظ الكلمات.
عن طريق إعطاء الطلاب قائمة من الكلمات قبل المسابقة للتحضير لها حيث يُسأل طالبين فقط من كل صف يتم اختيارهم وفقا لعملية تصفية تمت قبل المسابقة ويتم اختيار فائز واحد فقط بحلول نهاية المسابقة.