أخبار وأنشطة قسم البنين - الرياض النموذجية العالمية

Math games

قدمنا لهم منافسة خاصة في تحدي قدرات العقل من خلال ألغاز رياضية تحفزهم على التفكير خارج الصندوق تنمي لديهم مهارات عدة كحل المشكلات والتفكير الناقد وسندعمهم دائمًا لتطوير مهاراتهم الخاصة بالرياضيات لنبني بهم الغد المشرق.

As we strongly believe in the abilities of our sons and raising the spirit of competition between them, we introduced a special competition to them in order to challenge their mental abilities through mathematical riddles that motivated them to think outside the box as well as improve their abilities such as solving problems and critical thinking, a job that we proudly present to all our beloved sons to make the future a better place.